Spine Cancer Treatment at Epic Care CyberKnife

After getting diagnosed with spine cancer, you may be wondering what your treatment options are. Our team of radiation oncology experts offer a noninvasive treatment option called CyberKnife. The CyberKnife Treatment System uses advanced tumor-tracking technology to specifically target only the specific area of your spine cancer. This helps reduce the chance of surrounding healthy tissues receiving unnecessary and harmful radiation. This treatment is one of the most comfortable options for patients, as it reduces side effects and almost completely eliminates pain. It can even be completed in just one to five sessions, which may last over the course of two weeks.

What is Spine Cancer?

Spinal cancer is a result of an abnormal formation of cells in the spinal cord and its surrounding areas, including the bones, tissues, fluid, and nerves. More common in men, it’s a relatively rare form of cancer, with about 1 in every 140 men diagnosed, and only 1 in every 180 women.

Symptoms of Spinal Cancer

Symptoms will depend on the individual’s health history, and can vary based on the tumor size, location, and type. For some, symptoms may become severe more quickly, while others may notice a low progression. One of the most common signs of a malignant spinal tumor forming is pain, which can be followed by numbness or tingling as the tumor presses on the spine.

Common symptoms may include:

  • Pain in the neck, back, arms, and legs
  • Difficulty walking or standing
  • Muscle weakness or numbness
  • Loss of balance or sensation
  • Change in urination and bowel habits
  • Paralysis
  • Spinal deformities

What to Expect with Epic Care CyberKnife Radiation Oncology

Consultation: Before you decide if this treatment is the right choice for you, our radiation oncologists will discuss your individual needs and expectations in order to assess the proper treatment plan.

Pre-Treatment: Before we begin treatment, we’ll implant gold pellets or fiducials into the tumor. This helps the CyberKnife track the tumor’s movements, however slight they may be, and target the very specific area affected by the malignant cells.

Imaging & Dose Planning: About a week after your pre-treatment, one of our experts will determine your exact SBRT treatment plan. This will include how many doses you need, and the dosage size.

Treatment: The CyberKnife will target the affected area with specific radiation doses during this noninvasive treatment. You will not require any anesthesia, and outpatient treatment normally lasts over the course of one to two weeks with about five sessions.

Make an Appointment With Us Today!

This noninvasive treatment is truly cutting-edge, and can often greatly reduce the struggles of going through cancer treatment. To see if Epic Care CyberKnife is right for you, schedule an appointment today!